Welcome aboard. Unless you sailed on her, or knew someone who did, chances are you've never heard of the McGinty. So why make a page about a ship few know about? Simple. My father sailed on her.
I went searching the Internet for information about the ship because of a 1961 newspaper photo and story that featured me in a stroller being pushed down the pier by my mother as the McGinty steamed off for a redeployment. Seeing that picture again, I wanted to know more about the ship. I found a couple of sites, but the information was basic, technical, grey. The sites all said something to the effect that if you know anything about the ship or crew to e-mail them. Instead, I built my own site to add some color to the grey.
What you'll find here is what I know about the ship and learned from other sites. You'll also find pictures of my father and some of his shipmates. And you'll find a couple of newspaper articles and pictures, including one featuring a cute little one-year-old who later learned to write web pages.
If you recognize yourself, or your father, or uncle, in one of these photos by all means let me know. I'd be honored to put your name to your face, and add another shade of color to the McGinty.
Best Regards; Jeff Bailey
© 2001 Jeff Bailey and Louis Bailey - McGinty@baileyjs.com
Other material under individual copyright where indicated.